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How To Submit Your Manuscript for Review

In 2025 punctum will be pausing manuscript submissions, and we will reopen submissions in 2026. Read  why here.

punctum books welcomes submissions from academic and para-academic authors working in any field in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and architecture & design who want to publish books that are genre-queer and genre-bending and which take experimental risks with the forms and styles of intellectual writing.

Three primary concentrations for us are:

  1. books that shift the paradigm in established disciplines;
  2. books that help to create emerging transdisciplinary fields; and
  3. books that play in the fields of creatively speculative thought.

Following the contours sketched out above, we also welcome multi-authored essay volumes that are creatively conceptualized and expertly curated around specific themes, subjects, debates, approaches, and the like. We do not publish poetry or fiction unless aligned with our primary concentrations above.

We receive an overwhelming number of book proposals and at the moment we can only accept 10–20 manuscripts per year for publication in the following seasons.

In order to manage as best we can the flow of proposals as well as our production schedule, our procedure is to only receive and review completed manuscripts (monographs or edited volumes), accompanied by brief proposals, author name(s), institutional affiliations (if they apply), and contact information as a single PDF sent to both co-directors Eileen A. Fradenburg Joy,, and Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, between May 1 and July 31 of each year. We won’t read, review, or accept any manuscripts sent to us outside those dates or incomplete manuscripts.

By brief proposal, we mean a brief description of the historical, intellectual, and cultural backgrounds that the book emerges from and/or challenges, the overall aims and ambitions of the book, its organization and rationale for such, with chapter summaries (brief paragraphs).

Please also keep in mind the following:

No extra materials. Please don’t send any other materials with your submissions, as in, don't include your c.v. or letters of recommendation.

No unrevised dissertations. We do not review unrevised dissertations. Dissertations are written for a very specific audience and cannot be published as is for a more general readership. Only dissertations fully rewritten with a general readership in mind (whether scholarly or otherwise) will be considered. Many dissertations authors have benefited from three books by William Germano, From Dissertation to Book, On Revision, and Getting It Published.

No multiple submissions. We do not review multiple submissions by the same author or editor. Please do not submit more than one manuscript per year.

Let us know when you're also submitting elsewhere. We do not mind if authors want to submit their manuscripts to other publishers at the same time as they submit to us (and we understand the necessity of this, too), but we do ask that you inform us of this at the time of submission and also keep in touch with us when and if another publisher wants to publish your book so that we don't duplicate labor.

Review Procedure

We accept manuscripts from May through July and send back responses on a rolling basis from July through October. Initial responses regarding submissions take the form of "yes" and "no."

The initial round of review is conducted by punctum's directors, Eileen and Vincent, who are peer scholars trained and well versed in a multiple scholarly and artistic disciplines, which is why punctum calls itself a scholar-led press. It's a unique process that we think provides special attention to and care for any author's work because punctum's directors are closely reading and reviewing manuscripts, as opposed to farming out the work to impersonal external reviewers.

After initial review, manuscripts that receive a "yes" are accepted for publication and go back to authors for further revisions as they see fit, with any advice they seek from Eileen and Vincent. Manuscripts that receive a "no" are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts that receive a "yes" are, if necessary, further reviewed by a member of our Editorial Advisory Board or an author who has published with us, whoever is best suited to read an author's manuscript. Authors can also suggest external reviewers if that is important to them. Secondary reviewers will affirm our provisional "yes" or advise us that the manuscript should not be published, and for what reasons. For manuscripts they agree should be published, they will also offer constructive suggestions for possible, further revisions that would strengthen the manuscript. Their reviews typically take two months, but can sometimes take longer, depending on various circumstances. The entire process is led by a community deeply invested in the press and the authors we publish.

In general, we follow AAUP’s guidelines for “Best Practices for Peer Review,” but we are also an author-centered press and therefore, in addition to, or opposed to, the review process outlined above, we are open to authors and anthology editors choosing the sort of review process that they feel will best serve the development of their work: double-anonymous, single-anonymous, open and transparent, online and crowd-based, etc. Philosophically, we feel that open-access publishers should be embracing more open forms of review, and our feelings accord fairly well with the opinions expressed HERE and HERE.

All works published by punctum books are open access and licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License. We are also open to authors choosing their own Creative Commons license or other form of Copyleft licensing.